Essential Technologies for Remote Teams

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Essential Technologies for Remote Teams

Feeling Chatty?

Essential Technologies for Remote TeamsKeeping any team happy is often discussed in pizza parties, social get-togethers, or other benefits. For distributed teams, the importance of communication can get lost. And that is the keyword – communication. And the essential technologies that we need to keep up our communication.

It gets tough to keep off-site employees engaged because one runs the risk of making it feel forced. But constant and effective dialogue helps bridge the gap when your colleague is a few states or countries away. When running a remote or hybrid office, your business must utilize certain necessary features.

Essential Technologies

So what features should be in play to make remote work successful for all parties? Those “essential technologies” are chat, voice, and video, and they are the heart of building your company’s culture, helping team members connect, and showcasing your company’s mission.

For businesses embracing remote or hybrid work environments, success depends on leveraging the strengths of each type of communication is critical. How do you achieve the right balance of chat, voice, and video to keep your team engaged?

Slacking Off

First, clearly define how and when to use your “essential technologies”. At VirtualPBX, we love chat applications like Slack. They are great for asynchronous communication, such as information sharing, and where discussions are not time-sensitive. It allows for sharing experiences and challenges with the overall groups of team members. And let us not forget the custom Slackmojis. Those are fun for one-off conversations.

Chat is instrumental in building organizational knowledge, inspiring innovation and entrepreneurial thinking, or reinforcing your company’s culture. But when it comes to collaboration, brainstorming, training, or connecting with other team members, voice and video are the best choices.

Time for the Closeup

At VirtualPBX, we rely on our own essential technologies like our powerful VirtualPBX Softphonefor voice and video communication. A long time ago, we had physical offices with desks, phones, wired networks, and supporting infrastructure pre-pandemic. But we realized a wealth of talent and opportunities lay beyond the boundaries we called home base.

As we evolved into a fully distributed company, we learned that innovative applications, and online services, like Google Workspace and Microsoft 365, were preferred by our diverse team and provided incredible flexibility as we continued to grow.

Essential Technologies and Benefit of Teams

And we weren’t the only ones who saw the benefits of a remote work environment. Even before the pandemic, a Zapier Remote Work Report found that 95% of workers in the United States preferred working remotely.

Tapping into our experience with remote essential technologies and keeping a pulse on what would be best drove us to integrate the VirtualPBX platform with Microsoft Teams – delivering chat, voice, and video all in one place. Combining the power of Microsoft Teams with the flexibility of the VirtualPBX platform has been a thing of beauty.

We view this as the first of many transformational platform integrations VirtualPBX will deliver for companies adapting to the changing expectations of their team members and customers.

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