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Phone Compatibility: VoIP Cell Phones, Desk Phones, and More

Tin Cup Phone 5000 (TCP-5k) Revolutionizes String-to-Can Intercoms

Tin Cup Phone 5000 is the Intercom Solution the Telecom Industry Needs!

Tin-Cup-PhoneVery rarely will a product satisfy both technology early-adopters and telecom purists alike, but the all-new Tin Cup Phone 5000 from VirtualPBX does just that! Just as acid-washed jeans and flourescents have returned to the forefront of fashion, the TCP-5k is a modern take on a familiar communcations device of yesteryear. By leveraging the latest advances in textile and metallurgical science, the TCP-5k takes string-to-can communcations to heights unattainable by original versions. The benchmark product of VirtualPBX’s line of VoIP hardware options, TCP-5k will be the business intercom choice for every enterprise that operates at the tip of the spear of new technology.

  • High-tensile cording between cans creates optimal tension, enhances audio output, and eliminates snapping below 400 lb-ft tourque.
  • Handmade from scratch to prevent lingering odors of previously canned vegatables and the dreaded “red beet ring of death” from cans used for produce.
  • New “Privacy Mode” easily selected by moving can about a foot to slacken cord and prevent sound transmission.
  • Fun and authentic retro look adds a real whimsical feel to the office.

TCP-5k is the just the Tip of the Iceberg!

Certainly the TCP-5k is the most iconic business intercom option avaialble on the market, but it is also just a beginning of what’s to come. The entirely new VirtualPBX VoIP Hardware Product Line is finally here and you can see is all now, below.