Greetings and Happy Holidays,
I write to you today with great joy and appreciation for the opportunity to do what we love for another year. Coming from humble beginnings nearly 20 years ago, we take great pride in being able to lend a helping hand to inspirational and aspiring business leaders all over the world.
It’s this time of year that we like to sit back and take stock of the last twelve months, and based on how far we’ve come, it seems like this may be the first time we’ve sat all year! All kidding aside, we really have a lot to be grateful for during this year in review and I’d like to highlight some of those milestones for you now.
- We made strides for Earth Day by compiling the industry’s only comprehensive recycling guide for e-waste.
- We’ve garnered the valuable praise of our peers with several industry awards including those for Innovation, Overall Excellence and Community Stewardship, and the coveted Product of the Year.
- Our award-winning VirtualPBX Softphone App led the field with the latest in operating system compatibility and security features.
- We set new personal fundraising records for Best Buddies as we proved that giving back to the community is more than who we are, it’s also a great time!
- Always looking to expand both personally and professionally, we rely on our own technology to connect with employees working remotely in more places than ever across North America, Asia, and now even South America.
- We’ve bolstered our professional services and hardware offerings, too, bringing you both a premium management partner with VirtualPBX Concierge Service and even more options for the VoIP Phones and Business Routers we’ve tested and approved for your business.
Most importantly, while we’ve worked so hard each day to deliver the best performing technology at the highest level of service possible, we have been tirelessly committed to meeting the communication needs of tomorrow. I believe that with any luck, we will be able to stand here again next year having achieved entirely new categories of production both from our teams and through yours.
Finally, in addition to applauding the team here that I am so proud of, I would like to thank each and every one of you on their behalf, as well. We hold each and every one of you in the highest of regards and you’re the reason we work so hard. Thank you for your business, your trust, and your guidance. We’re looking forward to another great year together.
Wishing you a happy and safe holiday season from all of us at VirtualPBX,
Paul Hammond, CEO
PS- I welcome all of your feedback, questions, and concerns personally. Please feel free to get in touch here.