One of the Fastest Growing Telecommunications Companies

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One of the Fastest Growing Telecommunications Companies

The Silicon Review 10 Fastest Growing Telecommunications CompaniesI guess we should go over this quickly, because it turns out things are moving pretty fast around here. That’s because the Silicon Review just listed us as one of the 10 fastest-growing telecommunications companies of the year! It’s no secret that the folks here at VirtualPBX like to stay busy with all sorts of projects from lunching a new unlimited version of our award-winning Dash telephone service for business to bringing smiles to friendly faces through community service work. What may be less apparent, though, is that in all of our hustle and bustle to deliver meaningful value to small and medium businesses across the globe and help support those companies, we forgot to look around at what all we’ve accomplished. Fortunately for us, the folks at Silicon Review have been watching closely.

Peer Reviewed

This isn’t just a way to verify if an academic journal is worthwhile or if the content within holds merit, it’s also a way for us to gut-check ourselves so we don’t get caught reading our own press clippings while the world passes us by. In many ways we are the archetypal Silicon Valley tech company. We started in a garage, grew into a basement, and after a couple of decades and mountains of growth in the industry we helped to launch, we’re stationed right smack dab in the middle of the telecommunications nerve center of the world. That’s why it’s especially humbling to receive this most recent recognition because the Silicon Review’s profile of our business and our company leaders is created through the lens of another local, legitimate presence in Silicon Valley.

More Than Just Growth

Because of the multitudes of people who count on us being here for them every day when their businesses face challenges that only we can help them through, we need to be at least a little bit focused on making sure we can keep the lights on, too. Where we differ from others, however, is that we see our success only in terms of the success of our customers. We build our products with the help of an open and constant feedback loop of their needs, we reinvest constantly into improving our already award-winning support team, and we know that ultimately we are only as good as our customers feel with our service. That said, we’d like to thank everyone who has contributed to our most recent growth spurt and we’d like to recommit to you our unflinching dedication to helping your business go to where you want it to, as well. Thanks to you all and here’s looking forward to more shared success!

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