Any voicemail service you use will perform the recording of messages in largely the same way: It will write readable information to a disk.
The services that differentiate themselves make those recordings accessible; they shine by providing businesses with flexibility in configuration options.
Consider the following features in your search for virtual voicemail in a top business phone system.
The extent to which you can find and hear your voicemail messages is a defining factor of a phone system. Make sure you can reach your voicemail from your desktop and mobile devices.
Messages Accessible From Any Device
Sometimes you work from your desk; at other times, your phone takes the lead role. No matter which device you’re using, messages will accumulate in your voicemail box.
A virtual voicemail service can be paired with a VoIP phone system to give you equal access to your voicemail from any device. Like you’ll get with VirtualPBX, you can use any device to listen to your messages.
If your current phone setup doesn’t let you reach a user’s voicemail box from a desk phone, softphone, and a computer, it isn’t matching the needs of the modern workforce.
…Accessible at Any Time
In most cases, you access virtual voicemail from within the cloud. You just connect to a website or online service.
But what happens when that online service experiences an outage?
Make it a priority for your business phone system and voicemail to have an uptime of 99.999%. That final “9” isn’t boasting. It represents a significant reduction in average downtime that ensures you can reach your business assets.
Furthermore, it’s in your best interest to be capable of downloading your most important messages. Even in the most advanced voicemail systems, there are limitations in storage – such as VirtualPBX’s limit of 100 messages per box. Save your important files to your local hard drive or move them to your Google Drive for long-term keeping.
When you’re sure your voicemail service is easily found on any device and offers you download support, don’t stop there. Look into the configuration options within the service so you know you can set the system to your liking.
Multiple Voicemail Boxes
Have you ever been trapped in a virtual voicemail system that only offered a handful of boxes? Maybe you had twenty employees but only 5 boxes unless you paid an extra fee.
Voicemail providers make their mark in the options they include in your base phone package. Don’t settle for anything less than an unlimited number of voicemail boxes.
You need the capability of matching one box to every employee in your care. And you’d probably like a few extra for central departmental concerns. And then at least one more for your main business line.
Custom Greetings
When you set up a new box, you’ll need a friendly greeting.
You should prioritize the ability to make custom greetings. This is an included feature that VirtualPBX takes a lot of pride in. As they see fit, we want employees to record their own messages, upload recordings, or order professional recordings for use as their voicemail greetings.
A personalized greeting can be your first impression with a new customer. Make a good first impression by insisting that your voicemail lets you personalize your messages.
Does Your Voicemail Service Measure Up?
If your business phone system and virtual voicemail don’t let you easily access your messages and personalize your system configuration, there could be better options.
Don’t settle for anything less than an accessible, flexible voicemail service. And if you’re considering a switch, of course we hope you’ll take a look at what VirtualPBX has to offer.