Close 28% More Sales With Local Search

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Close 28% More Sales With Local Search

Local SearchEveryone is looking for ways to connect with and sell to new customers. Growing your audience and engaging with them with meaningful, and ultimately lucrative, interactions is a fundamental building-block to creating a healthy, sustainable business. One healthy, sustainable business right now that has something to tell you about how to manage that is one you’ve probably heard of – Google. In their 2016 Google I/O keynote speech about local search, they revealed some stunning information about how to execute successful growth strategies for your own business.

Local Search Fueled by Local Numbers

Local telephone numbers are integral to creating your Google Places account. Without an active, verified local telephone number, your Google Places information will be incomplete and you’ll miss out on all the local searches for your business. Why is that important? Because according to the authorities on search (seriously, who knows search better than Google?), mobile and local searching is growing 50% faster than standard searching. Furthermore, local searches tend to be people who are ready to shop which is why 75% of local searches result in an in-store visit within one day! Store visits, as you likely know, are an incredibly high indicator of sales conversions, especially after following previous online research. In fact, that is where all of this compelling evidence supporting the power of local search powered by local telephone numbers culminates into the best statistic yet. After compiling literally billions of data points over the past year, the local search experts at Google have determined that a whopping 28% of local searches result in a sale.

Stop Giving Away 1 out of 3 Customers

All of this together mounts a pretty compelling case for updating (or even beginning) you Google Places account today. Get that process started by establishing or updating your local telephone number with VirtualPBX today. It’s an inexpensive and irreplaceable identifier for your business with an immediate, directly positive impact on your bottom line.

What Else Can Local Search and Local Numbers Do For You?

The benefits of adding a local number to your Google Places profile are clear and powerful, so you’ve got nothing but great things waiting for you once you’ve done that. But watching the whole presentation can teach you all sorts of other great pieces of advice, so we’ve embedded it below.

How else can you let a few minutes’ investment result in boosting your ROI on web search results by nearly a third? Spoiler alert- you can’t, so take advantage of this local search advantage while you can and before your competitors do!

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