VirtualPBX has partnered with Snap Recordings for the 2019 season of giving. We’re excited to offer you a holiday voicemail greetings pack and 20% off your next order with Snap.
You can download the Holiday Message Gift Box at this link. Then look for the Holiday Message Guide and the coupon code (“HOLIDAYVPBX”) to claim your 20% discount. Claim your Gift Box before Jan. 07, 2020 to take advantage of this value-packed promotion!
These holiday greetings can be used with any VirtualPBX Business Phone Plan. And future orders for voicemail messages, on-hold prompts, and Auto Attendant scripts can be used with those plans too.
Holiday Message Gift Box Contents
Here’s what you get for free from Snap Recordings:
- 12 total holiday messages
- 6 female-voiced messages and 6 male-voiced messages
- 4 greetings for each gender expressing “Seasons Greetings,” “Merry Christmas,” and more
- 2 voicemail greetings – holiday-themed
You can use the provided messages in any way you choose. The variation in messages caters to the needs of all businesses, whether or not they wish to refer to Christmas or only to the holidays in general.
Each message has been created by the professional staff at Snap Recordings. The same polish that adorns these messages are a reflection of what you’ll see in future greetings you order from them.
Take 20% Off Your Next Order
Following the holidays, you’ll probably want to change your Automated Attendant and voicemail boxes once more. The holiday voicemail greetings pack will only get you through the end of the year.
This is why VirtualPBX and Snap have offered you 20% off your next order of greetings. Just use the coupon code “HOLIDAYVPBX” during your online checkout.
Or Do It Yourself!
If none of the above options meets your needs, you can always record your own messages. Snap gets you started with that project as well.
You can download the Holiday Message Checklist alongside your free holiday greetings. Snap helps you make your holiday messaging checklist and check it twice.
It asks basic questions like, “Are your holiday hours mentioned up front?” to ensure that your custom greetings are effective at addressing your customers. Then it gives you multiple holiday voicemail greetings and auto attendant greeting examples from which to draw inspiration.
You can fill in each example’s blanks with your own company name and phone number. Or simply use them as a spark for creativity.
Have a Great Holiday
From all of us at VirtualPBX, we hope you have a great holiday.
Don’t work too hard. Enjoy the season and maybe a few extra cookies. Just don’t forget to set your holiday voicemail greetings and auto attendant messages first.
And don’t forget to take advantage of this promotion by Jan. 07, 2020.