‘Tis the season. The season for running around trying to get those last minute items to the post office as well as rushing to find the eleventh-hour gifts that you just hadn’t had time to pick up yet. Who has time to be tethered to a desk through all of this? It’s not like you can be two places at once, is it?
Wear Your Own Jolly Red Suit
Just like there is rumored to be an omni-present and incredibly charitable fellow form the North Pole who has eyes on just about everyone, everywhere, and all the time, you too can enjoy the feeling of being in two places at once. VirtualPBX’s variety of tools that enable employees to work remotely make accomplishing the laundry list of holiday honey-do’s while still remaining available for work actually possible. Furthermore, the ability on the VirtualPBX Softphone App to mask incoming and outgoing calls with an office number guarantees that once it finally comes to be quitting time, you can switch off the business noise and spend uninterrupted time with those who matter to you the most.
Be a Scrooge
Yeah, seriously, be like Scrooge. Not in the crotchety-old-miser-who-everyone-despises sort of way, but rather in the just-realized-life-is-too-short-to-spend-it-all-at-work fashion, instead. Just like good old Ebenezer saw the light after a visit from the ghost of his old partner, Jacob Marley, anyone who uses the cloud-based technology from VirtualPBX can stop the rat race and yet not at the expense of getting the cheese. Take a look at the infographic below and see a few specifics on how VirtualPBX can help you make that holiday cheddar.