VirtualPBX & Best Buddies – What Really Is Labor?

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VirtualPBX & Best Buddies – What Really Is Labor?

VirtualPBX Proud to Participate in Best Buddies ChallengeWe celebrate Labor Day each year and get a little bit back in return for taking one of the lowest average amount of vacation days of any developed country in the world. Go ahead, take a load off, you’ve earned it! All kidding aside, though, most of us benefit from being able to function in almost any career of our choosing without any inordinate number of physical barriers to completing it. Honestly I don’t typically raise boxes of 20 pounds over my head, but thanks to, OSHA, I know that I’m not expected to do much more than that. The reality is, however, that far more people are labored beyond our experience to complete tasks we take for granted every single day.

Best Buddies Challenge

Best Buddies is an organization that is committed to helping with education, assistance, mentorship, and socialization for men and women with intellectual and physical disabilities all over the world. This coming Saturday, September 12, 2015, at the Best Buddies Challenge: Hearst Castle, we are being lead in building a team of challengers and fundraisers by our very own COO, Lon Baker. We’re working in conjunction with former participants and new employees to make an entire team event out of this, and want you to help!

How to Get Involved

There are a few different ways to participate with our Best Buddies Challenge: Hearst Castle event. Take a look at the list and see which works best for you-

  • Money Talks – There are a LOT of people out there to help so every little bit helps, you can make your donation to our team fundraising efforts here.
  • Get in the Game – The next best thing to helping fundraise is helping the event be a success! There are many ways to participate from completing your own ride or run to volunteering during the event. Look, it’s a party that kicks off after a day on the PCH, what could be better? Find out how to help on the day of the event here.
  • Knowledge is Power – Not ready to dive in just yet? No problem! Read up on some of the amazing stories of positive impact that Best Buddies has on thousands of lives each year here.
  • Test Your Fitness – If none of this all is your bag, maybe a little motivation is in order. You want to get pumped on fitness and dedication, you can follow Lon on Strava and see what it takes to be the Fastest Executive in Silicon Valley!* *these claims cannot be substantiated and are only something I’ve decided start calling him on a go-forward basis.

Stay tuned for news about how we’re doing with our fundraising and how the event goes and make sure to follow our social media links below for up-to-the-minute reports during the event. See you out there!


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