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VirtualPBX – 20 Years Later and Still Going Strong

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VirtualPBX – 20 Years Later and Still Going Strong

VoIP is Still Going StrongYou might recall that July is a big month for us. It was 20 years ago this month that an idea turned into an opportunity and that opportunity turned into an industry. Of course, we’re talking about our 20th Anniversary, which is a remarkable milestone for any business, and one that carries with it added significance for us as well. We’re not about to try and convince anyone that hitting two decades of service is any less momentous for one business over another, however, we do think it’s neat that our existence aligns perfectly with that of our very industry. Our founders were pioneers in the hosted telecom industry in that there hadn’t been any market for B2B VoIP service, primarily because they also pioneered the technology behind it. Building the platform for the core functionality of your business’ entire industry is impressive, but not being an organization to rest on our laurels, we’re keen to not just stop there. In fact, we’re still going strong with innovating new ways to solve business communications challenges, even before companies are aware of them.

Still Going Strong Down the Road

It’s not easy to build a company, much less an industry. What would be easy, though, is to take that kind of accomplishment and ride it off into the sunset. That’s not our style. Instead, we prefer to keep trudging the road to constantly shake things up and improve service and reliability for our customers. We’ve got so many projects in place to build improvements into our suite of communications tools that we actually have to triage them by priority and demand. You can see most of our current projects on our Product Road Map and, when combined with the biggest of our recent accomplishments, it’s safe to say that we’re definitely still going strong. Curious what not letting off the gas looks like? Take these recent releases below as examples-

  • Dash Business Phone Service Our current feature platform, Dash, is a firecracker. Built from scratch to resemble the simplest of consumer applications, the seamless design is still backed by the enterprise-grade technology that powers businesses all over the world. Barely a year old, Dash still continues to guide what direction the industry is going.
  • 24/7 Customer Support Our Customer Support Policy is one of the notches in our belt for which we’re most proud. It’s also one of the most contentious in the industry, however. With most of the industry charging premiums for live telephone support, and even more not hosting those teams domestically, our California-based, 24/7, 365 day support access comes free with every new and existing Dash account.
  • Big Awards, Bigger Competition We’ve been known to garner the praise of our competitors and the industry press, but we just last month won two of the biggest recognitions to date. By taking home a Gold and Bronze medal at the IT World Awards, we set a new high watermark by showing we can compete toe-to-toe with companies much larger than we are.

More to Come, and Coming in Hot!

Even with just a small selection of our most recent milestones, it’s easy to get a sense of the grandeur of what we want to accomplish. By keeping an eye on the updates to both our Product Road Map and our latest press releases, you’ll be the first to know about everything we’re working on next. However, because we’re keen on improving business communications, you can just sign up for our newsletter or follow us on Twitter and Facebook to get the reader’s digest version sent right to your inbox. Either way, we’re thrilled to have made it to this point in our history and are looking forward to keeping going strong for another 20 years and then some!

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