When your network isn’t performing properly, business operations take a direct hit. Business VoIP call quality in particular, can be disrupted by poor network performance. Poor voice call quality, a failed conference call or calls that won’t dial through are all symptoms of an unhealthy network.
The top three things that impact business VoIP call quality are:
- Bandwidth delivered by your Internet service provider (ISP): Savvy business owners understand that a network needs to be constantly monitored, especially since an ISP may have the single largest impact on business operations.
- Capacity of your network: Network congestion is the chief perpetrator of poor quality VoIP calls. When employees stream content from sites like Netflix or YouTube, it’s likely impacting your team’s ability to communicate effectively.
- Performance of your network: Mobile devices also play a large role in killing your business’s VoIP call quality. Something as simple as a single iPhone accessing iTunes can hurt call quality and overall performance of your network.
ProSIP® Network Health Check is a seven day on-site monitoring solution. Over the course of seven days, the ProSIP team will work with you to collect and review your network performance data, as well as provide you with a customized performance improvement plan based on your results.
And if you’re in need of a more comprehensive, ProSIP® Total Assurance Monitoring is an on-going solution that offers 24/7 performance monitoring of your network and provides detailed insight into how your network is used by your team. You’ll be able to determine which devices are using the most bandwidth, accessing social media, streaming content and much more. You will also receive customizable alerts for changes to network traffic and a monthly analysis and performance report by a certified ProSIP network engineer.