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Greetings Manager

Manage The Media On Your System


General Overview

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  1. Start by clicking on Greetings on the left side
  1. Click on add to upload new greetings. You can upload . mp3 / .wav files recorded in mono under 1 mb in size. MP3 is recommended for larger recordings, as the size is more compact.
  1. Click on download next to an existing greeting so you can listen to it
  1. Click the wrench icon to either change the name of a greeting or delete it

Adding a greeting

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  1. Enter a name for the greeting
  1. Click on Browse to find the mp3 / .wav file
  1. Click on Create Greeting

Edit or Remove a Greeting

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  1. Click on the name to change the name of a greeting
  1. Click on Delete Greeting to remove a greeting
  1. Click on Save changes if you change the name of a greeting

Using Text-To-Speech in Greetings Manager


You may also take of advantage of creating a custom greeting using the text-to-speech (TTs) feature in Dash. Here are the steps to create a TTS greeting

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  1. Click on Main Number on the left side
  1. Click on Incoming Call Handling
  1. Click on the Virtual Receptionist
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  1. Click on Text to Speech
  1. Enter your text to speech greeting. You can enter up to 250 characters
  1. Click Update
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  1. Click on Greetings on the left side. Dash uses specific names for Text-to-speech greetings: Mainopenhoursmenutts or mainlunchhoursmenutts or auto-attendantnameopenhoursmenutts etc
  1. Find the file you just made and click on the Wrench icon at the far right
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  1. Change the name of the file
  1. Click on Save Changes
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