To our customers impacted by the Southern California wildfires, our team is prepared to assist in anyway we can. Call or text us 24/7 at (888) 825-0800.
Believe it or not, Faxing is still one of the single most commonly relied-upon method of securely transferring documents in the world. Not only does this unique transfer method keep medical records safe and secure, but these kind of machines are also more likely to be how foreign countries conduct much of their business, regardless of the industry. The ubiquity of this type of communication is due in part to the relatively low access to high-speed internet connections globally, making simple phone lines a more likely access point. You get all these benefits using the email to virtual fax (voip fax) feature with VirtualPBX – but without the need of a traditional fax machine.
Executing this voip fax feature on VirtualPBX is as simple as the name implies. By using whatever email client you rely on for all of your standard communications, you can attach a .TIF or .PDF file to send directly to VirtualPBX. Once you’ve indicated the destination number, VirtualPBX will handle the rest. Take advantage of VirtualPBX’s Custom Greetings feature by relaying the option of Email to Fax to those dialing into your number. Sending important information through VirtualPBX’s digital faxing feature keeps your communications simple, clean, and secure.
This feature is included on all business phone plans.
VirtualPBX business VoIP plans have a rare combination of technology that can accommodate everything from multi-national enterprise call centers all the way to single entrepreneurs ready to bring the next big idea to the world. Sign up today and start making your business even better with virtual fax and more.
Founded in a San Francisco, California basement in 1997, VirtualPBX delivers premium Business Phone, Messaging, POTS replacement, and Contact Center solutions for our customers, who work in the office, remotely, and everywhere in between. We offer more than just products and services; we make your business better with quality customer care and 24/7 support.
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